Time is Cruel

I guess you can’t avoid the ravages of age even when you’re just a computerized simulacrum of a smart-alecky TV journalist from 20 minutes into a future that’s now only a few seconds away:

Incidentally, why isn’t the Max Headroom TV series on DVD yet? I know it was short-lived and firmly in the “cult classic” category, but surely a show as eerily prescient and ground-breaking as Max deserves its own shiny silver discs?
(And in case you’re wondering what I mean by “prescient,” the show predicted a lot of our current [then-future] society, including [just off the top of my head] “reality” TV, interactive programming, do-it-yourself video journalism, mindless consumption via credit cards and a form of online shopping, and even some of the stuff that guys like Ray Kurzweil believe is coming as part of “The Singularity“, most notably the idea of downloading a human personality into a computer. Wow… now I really want to see Max again! It’d probably make a lot more sense now that it did in ’85…)


2 comments on “Time is Cruel

  1. Cranky Robert

    I love that he’s balding.

  2. jason

    Last time I saw Matt Frewer, the guy who plays Max, he was pretty thin on top. This is probably a pretty accurate representation of how he’s looking these days…
    (Incidentally, I did some digging — that is Frewer in the ad, reprising his best-known role for the first time in probably 15 years. Here’s an article on the return of Frewer/Max, including a good pic of old Max:
    If you care that much, of course… 🙂 )