Here’s One for Anne

My darling Girlfriend loves Christmas carols. She also loves a cappella singers performing Christmas carols. Myself, not so much.

I try to restrain my inner grinch for her sake — I really don’t like making her feel bad — but it’s so very, very hard when confronted by a bunch of fresh-faced young men who have perfect harmony and really cheesy joke-writers. The genre just naturally tends to lead to cutesy-ism, and that’s something I cannot abide. The one time I gave in and went along with her and her mom to the annual holiday performance by local sensation Voicemale, it was all I could do to keep my nervous twitching from throwing me right out of my seat. (Sorry, dear, I really am… but then, you knew all this already and for some reason you still like me…)

It might not be so bad if all the a cappella groups out there would take a hint from these guys:

That’s the way you do it: cover all the favorites in a single arrangement, throw in a little Toto for good measure, then thank everyone for coming and to all a good night! Yeah…

My thanks to Greenberg for finding this.

Note: If for some reason you want to read more of my grouchy, anti-Christmas-music babble, revisit this classic entry from a couple of years ago…


One comment on “Here’s One for Anne

  1. Cranky Robert

    Outstanding. And they’re not bad singers.