A Favor to Ask…

Okay, I feel kind of silly asking, but I’d like all of you reading this to do something for me. It’s like this: I’ve got this co-worker who has built a website for his wife… only she doesn’t know about it yet. For some reason, he’d like to get the hit count up before he tells her about it. Or, in his own words:

…last week my wife had a pretty tough week. And to top it off, she smashed her big toe with a large ceramic pot. So I decided to start building her site.


She doesn’t know it exists yet, and I’m hoping to keep it that way for as long as possible. I’d also like to have as many visitors as possible before the inevitable happens and she discovers it. So spread the word, to everyone (except her). My goal is one hundred thousand visits before she finds out.

As of my visit tonight, he’s had a mere 104 visitors. So, if you have a second, click on over there, will you? Just for a second, just to register that the site has had a new visitor. And if you’ve got a blog or friends with Internet access and nothing better to do, spread the word, will you?


11 comments on “A Favor to Ask…

  1. Amber

    I reserve all comments…. I’ll just say:

  2. Amber

    Oh, and it was nice of him to do that for his wife. I like to see that kind of thing in a relationship.

  3. jason

    I’m sure he’d thank you for your support. 🙂

  4. steph


  5. jason

    Thank you, Steph – haven’t seen you around here in a while. How’ve you been?

  6. Jen B

    Do you think he’ll mind if I post it on my blog? 🙂

  7. jason

    I’m sure that would be perfectly fine, Jen – his entire goal is to try and get hits, so the wider we can spread the word, the better, I ‘d say…

  8. Nicole R.

    This is such a sweet idea! 🙂
    (I’m a friend of Jen’s.)

  9. jason

    Welcome, friend of Jen! Thanks for your help on this…

  10. Jen B

    I went to the site to see how things were going, and it’s now password protected… does that mean the gig is up?

  11. jason

    Huh… that’s weird. It worked for me when I just clicked over. Looks like Rob’s added a bunch of stuff to the site, including a blog engine. Maybe you just happened to click over while he was working on it?