I’m William Shatner, and I’m a Shaman

…and we’re back. Hope everyone had a successful Mass Consumption Day (which, if you consider the “Black Friday” retail madness and multiple meanings of the verb “to consume,” could probably be extended into “Mass Consumption Weekend”). I had a pretty nice day myself, managing to eat just enough but not too much of the traditional bird and pumpkin pie so that I managed to remain reasonably comfortable and functional instead of collapsing into a bloated stupor.
I’m hoping to produce some of those longer entries I keep promising sometime before I have to go back to work, but in the meantime, let’s amuse ourselves with the following:

Now, I don’t play computer games myself — I have nothing against them, I simply lost interest back when the Atari 2600 was still technologically competitive — and I wouldn’t know World of Warcraft from a construction trade show, but I’m always amused by the antics of the one-and-only William Shatner. Especially William Shatner in a kimono. Personally, I’ve always suspected that he could hurl bolts of lightning. How did I know that, when he’s always been so careful to conceal his god-like capabilities? Because he’s The Shat, of course! Duh…


6 comments on “I’m William Shatner, and I’m a Shaman

  1. Amber

    Of course he can hurl bolts of lightning: Shatner is God. 🙂
    And now I must go off and mutter angrily about the fact that “Boston Legal” has been preempted yet again, this time for “Dancing with the $%$## Stars…”.

  2. jason


  3. Amber

    Not that there’s anything wrong with “Dancing with the Stars,” just because it doesn’t fit into my limited view of the world….
    I know: why don’t they get Shatner for that show? I think I’d actually watch it, then. I’d watch Shatner reading names out of a phone book. I’m that pathetic.

  4. jason

    Hey, I think The Shat would be damn entertaining on something like Dancing with the Stars. Hell, they’ve had Wayne Newton, so why not?

  5. Amber

    Oy. Wayne Newton. I actually saw him on that show once–just prior to his elimination,I think. Those few moments scarred me for life.
    Didn’t they also have Jerry Springer?
    It sounds like it’s time to add Shatner to the mix. If nothing else, I’m sure he’d add some comic relief.

  6. jason

    That’s right, they did have Springer on. He actually was pretty entertaining. Lousy dancer — those old joints are pretty stiff from dodging violent rednecks — but he was very self-deprecating and charming. And who’s more self-deprecating and charming than The Shat? I think we need to start some kind of recruitment campaign!