The Dancing Stormtrooper

My first day back at work went pretty much exactly as I anticipated: right back into the grind. No time to write a proper entry about the vacation, or even to catch up on all my blog-reading from last week. (I won’t tell you how many unread posts I had waiting in my aggregator. It’s too frightening. If I was wise, I’d just mark them all as read and start fresh in the morning. I never made any claims to wisdom, though.)

I did, however, stumble across this, which I will share with you now:

It’s our old friend Danny Choo, the Tokyo stormtrooper I’ve blogged about before, showing us some of his slick moves. I don’t know why I’m so amused by the sight of Imperial stormtroopers in everyday, terrestrial settings, unless it’s because the costumes — the good ones, anyway — look so real, literally like these guys just walked off a movie screen into our world. Star Trek-themed costumes, by contrast, very rarely look like the real thing — homemade Starfleet uniforms are usually just a little too obviously amateur jobs, latex Klingon foreheads don’t match the wearer’s skin tone, etc. But a guy (or gal) in one of these armor suits, well, they look the way they’re supposed to look. And it’s all the better when they’re dancing

(Incidentally, I love the guy on the subway who is trying his darnedest not to look at the two-stepping lunatic in the white polystyrene Halloween outfit…)


2 comments on “The Dancing Stormtrooper

  1. chenopup

    “Aren’t you a little short for a dancing stormtrooper?”

  2. jason

    Well, of course… he is a Japanese stormtrooper, after all…