C’est La Vie

A mere 48 hours ago, I was holding hands with The Girlfriend and feeling very uncurmudgeonly as we watched Tinkerbell glide down from the Matterhorn amidst a shower of gold and blue fireworks.

Now I’m preparing to put my Krazy Kat out for the night so I can get to bed and be fresh for the morning’s return to the New Proofreader’s Cave deep in the bowels of… aw, to hell with it. You get the idea. My vacation is over and tomorrow it’s back to Real Life™. Sigh.

I’ve experienced this letdown many times, but it always seems to take me by surprise anyhow. I simply can’t believe how quickly something that you spend a year planning and gearing up for seems to ultimately pass. Almost as if it didn’t happen at all.

I find it utterly depressing that the moments of your life when you feel the most truly alive, the most truly yourself, the most engaged and interested and happy are so rare and short-lived. Don’t anyone try to lay that line on me about how this fleeting quality makes those moments all the more special, because I’m not sure I believe it. The truth is that I think it sucks major rocks that so much of our lives are composed of the mundane and soul-numbing. It seems like it shouldn’t have to be this way.

Sigh again. Sorry to be a drag… so, how was everybody’s week while I was away?


5 comments on “C’est La Vie

  1. Cranky Robert

    Actually, I had a good week. While you were away, I hung out with you. Then I saw the new Blade Runner.
    Wait for it . . .
    I still don’t know whether he’s supposed to be a replicant.

  2. jason

    Well, according to Ridley Scott, he is. I, of course, disagree. Because that’s just how I am. 🙂
    (Actually, I think it’s a more interesting and powerful film if Deckard is a human who learns that the creations of humanity literally live up to the Tyrell Corporation’s slogan — “More Human than Human” — and comes around to being on their side, than if he is just another replicant himself. Other people’s mileage may vary… glad to hear there’s still some ambiguity in the flick.)

  3. steph

    Well, even though the week is over, I hope you and Annie had a really good time.

  4. jason

    Thanks, Steph – we did. The week wasn’t without its bumpy spots, but generally, it was just what the doctor ordered. If I can figure out a good hook for a blog entry, I’ll be writing about it…

  5. Cranky Robert

    I’ll hold further comment until you’ve seen the “final cut,” then we’ll have a good, long talk about it.