Another Boring Gripefest About Work

In the last couple of days at work, I have proofread 29 — that’s twenty-nine — two-page documents that are all composed of the same damn blocks of standardized text, just arranged in different patterns. Which means I’ve been essentially reading the same document — and marking the same damn mistakes — over and over and over.

At this point, I’m thinking it’s a good thing that the New Proofreaders’ Cave is on the first floor, instead of up on the fourth where we used to be. Management should be commended for being so insightful…


4 comments on “Another Boring Gripefest About Work

  1. Cranky Robert

    I hope they’ve also removed the scissors, tape dispensers (those things are sharp!), and strong power cords. Not that I’ve given this any thought.

  2. jason

    I still have my scissors, but they’re the blunt-nosed safety kind. Curse the luck…

  3. Keith

    Too late for lemonade? Take one corrected document and cut into paragraphs. Take next sets of similar documents and rapidly compare paragraphs and copy corrections onto new documents. Ripen newly corrected documents on desk. While documents ripen, chill self with blog.

  4. jason

    It’s never too late for lemonade! Thanks, Keith… how’ve you been?