
Following up on that item from last week about the half-size X-Wing built by some model-rocket enthusiasts, here’s some video of its spectacular (if short) flight:

Looks a lot like what happened to poor old Porkins

(Porkins: “I’ve got a problem here.”

Biggs: “Eject!”

Porkins: “I can hold it.”

Biggs: “Pull up!”

Porkins: “No, I’m alrigh—yeaaaaaargggg!”)

Update: Here’s another clip from a different angle. Looks like it launched with the S-foils in attack position (i.e., the wings open in the X-shape), something I wasn’t clear on from earlier information. Wonder if that made any difference with the tumble?


2 comments on “Yeaaaaaaaaarrrrrggggg!

  1. Cranky Robert

    I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again: Poor Porkins. Poor, poor Porkins.

  2. jason

    Porkins’ demise is especially sad if you follow that link and read his bio; he was just doing a buddy a favor and filling in for Janson, that useless gold-bricker. The X-Wing wasn’t even Porkins’ usual ride, so he probably couldn’t find the switch to reboot the operating system, or whatever the hell he was trying to do. I hope Janson was real proud of himself when he got the news in his nice, comfy bed on the medical frigate…