Because Daggits Rule, That’s Why

From this guy via this guy:


A good way to make fun of someone who loves the new, super-serious remake of Battlestar Galactica: tell them the show inherently makes no logical sense to you without Muffit, the robot dog. Sci-fi fans are so pissy and serious these days they become infuriated at the mention of anything cute.

Next time I’m called upon to defend my love of the old Battlestar and my utter indifference to the new one (which seems to happen fairly often, sadly enough), I’m going to give this strategy a try. If nothing else, it should be fun to watch those smug Neo-G fans splutter incoherently for a little while…

(Incidentally, if you decide to backtrack to the source of that quote, be warned that SamuraiFrog can get a little… off-color… at times. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…)


2 comments on “Because Daggits Rule, That’s Why

  1. Derek Smith

    Daggets rule, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. When I was 10, I wanted a Dagget so bad it hurt!

  2. jason

    Yeah, but you probably would’ve had to get a job to keep it in mushies, and that would’ve sucked! 😉