It’s Always Something

So, I’m just plugging away at today’s stack o’ work in the New Proofreaders’ Cave as a cold front sweeps into the valley and paints the sky the color of lead. I’m listening to ye olde iTunes, a little of my man Rick, and I thought I’d share the one I coming back to:

I look around me and I see what I wanted and what I settled for
Yeah, I’ve got the heart of a Joan of Arc but the soul of a gigolo.
I’ve been good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Anytime I stopped to smell the roses they drew blood from me.
Do you know what I mean?
You never ever get away clean. But it’s alright,
Yeah, touchdown, turn around, flag on the play.
It’s always something, you know it is, it’s always something,
It’s always something, everyday, it’s always something.
When I was a kid the teachers and the priests said,
“Why do you let him run around like that?”
My father said, “If the boy wants to play guitar, I say we let him.”
Through the hard years he was my rock
when I just could not win.
So it goes y’know my father died
just before my leaky ship came in.
Do you know what I mean?
You never ever get away clean. Oh, but it’s alright yeah.
Down one, homerun, your dog steals the ball.
I step up to the table in the middle of my life
and I take my cards and I check them twice.
I’ve got a killer hand and I’m ready to stake my claim,
the cops raid the game.
…it’s always something

That’s a great song, “It’s Always Something” (sometimes rendered as “itsalwayssomething”), from the 1999 album Karma. It’s heavily autobiographical, and not nearly as melancholy as the lyrics alone probably make it sound. The image it conjures in my mind is of a middle-aged guy who’s been seriously knocked around by the universe but is still standing and somehow managing to soldier on. Which is what Rick Springfield is, and I guess it’s what I am, too, at the moment. It certainly seems to fit my mood this afternoon.

My day job has been slightly less overwhelming recently, but I’m still feeling pretty frazzled, and like I’m not accomplishing much outside of keeping the bills paid. Not much of any substance anyhow, as my recent blog entries no doubt demonstrate. There are so few hours in the day, and so many projects both at the office and at home that need my attention, and my attention span seems to be down to about a tenth of a second these days.

None of which anyone cares about, probably. Welcome to the grown-up world, Bennion. Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s a great song, anyhow. Give it a download, or whatever you kids do these days.


2 comments on “It’s Always Something

  1. steph

    Oh Jas. I feel the exact same way. I just look at my house and have all these “projects” I plan on doing. At the end of the day though, I just say, “Oh, it can wait”. Ugh. It’s so frustrating….

  2. jason

    Yep. I’ve got a list of blog entries I’d like to write as long as my arm, and every day that passes without me finding the time, focus, or just plain gumption to write them makes me just that much crazier. And that’s just one of the frivolous projects. The important stuff? Oy… years behind on that…