I Can Has Scenery Chewing?

You know, there was a time in my life when I would’ve been ashamed to admit that I even understood this, let alone thought it was funny:


Hi, my name is Jason, and I’m a nerd.

(Actually, when you think about it, this is really a fascinating example the cross-connections within popular culture. Imagine trying to explain this to someone from the year 1975, say…)

[Update: Here is a version with sound, for that full, Shatner-esque effect.]


4 comments on “I Can Has Scenery Chewing?

  1. The Girlfriend

    How come we can never get pictures of Krazy Kat doing stuff like this?

  2. jason

    Because all he ever does is sleep…

  3. Amber

    I’m disturbed to admit that I found this hilarious. A LOLcat, hilarious? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!?
    I fear this blog is having a disturbing impact on my psyche. I need no help in that direction: get out of my head!

  4. jason

    It’s only hilarious because it’s steeped in the Power of Shatner…