Five Sci-Fi Movies

SFSignal asks the pressing question, “What 5 Sci-Fi Movies Do You Watch Over and Over?” I respond thusly:

  • Star Wars (Duh! And, of course, by “Star Wars,” I mean the very first one made, what you whippersnappers refer to as “Episode IV: A New Hope.” Of course, again, I stubbornly refuse to think of it in those terms.)
  • The Terminator
  • Superman: The Movie
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn
  • The Fifth Element

Given the make-up of my All-Time Favorites list and my tendency to re-watch pretty much any movie I like, I can’t tell you how hard it was to narrow my choices to a mere five. I finally decided to go with the ones that I never, ever turn off if I happen to find them on television, the ones that still suck me in completely and make me laugh, cry, or just keep watching, no matter how many times I’ve seen them before. Even going by that criterion, however, my choices were still difficult. Because having to choose just sucks.

This has been another time-wasting collection of unsolicited trivia about yours truly. We now return you to more productive activities.
