Career Meme

Puffbird referred me to the latest meme this morning. The results are… unexpected.

First, the instructions:
1. Go to
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their “Career Matchmaker” questions.
4. Post the top ten results.

And now my results:

  1. Costume Designer
  2. Special Effects Technician
  3. Desktop Publisher
  4. Animator
  5. Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator
  6. Actor
  7. Anthropologist
  8. Set Designer
  9. Comedian
  10. Artist

The number one choice is costume designer? Really? That’s one I never would’ve come to on my own.

Many of the other options on this list are at least things I’ve thought about at one point or other in my life — I’m interested in special effects, for instance; I studied anthropology in college and did some acting in high school; and when I was a Looney Tunes-obsessed youngster, I did think I’d someday like to be a cartoonist or animator — and I actually have worked as a desktop publisher. But costume designer? Wow…

Looking down the rest of my top 40, I see that my actual ambition — the ever-vague “writer” — doesn’t show up until number 16, and the occupation I’ve held that most closely resembles my ambitions — technical writing — is at number 24. (Which doesn’t surprise me; I actually didn’t much like being a tech writer.) My current occupation — proofreader — didn’t make the top 40 at all, although I suppose you can say I’m a sort of “communications specialist” (number 26).

Not that any of this matters, of course. I’ve never put much stock in these interest surveys, not since I found myself wondering on high-school Career Day if my number-two pencil somehow malfunctioned during the “fill in the circle” thingie, because I most assuredly did not want to be a CPA or a computer programmer…


3 comments on “Career Meme

  1. chenopup

    1.Director of Photography
    2. Set Designer
    3.Costume Designer
    4. Special Effects Technician
    5. Desktop Publisher
    6. Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator
    7. Animator
    8. Actor
    9. Fashion Designer
    10. Director
    Interesting thing is that two of my interests bookend this – I’m probably closer to DP than director at this point due to the my workload, however very interesting meme – Of course Special Effects technician would be cool – I think I had a stint at that too while in college making our movies 🙂

  2. mikeg

    something really wrong the 1st time I did it:
    1) farm machine operator
    2) machinist
    3) race car mechanic
    4) Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Tech
    5) Locksmith
    6) Civil Engineering Tech
    7) Appliance Repairer
    8) Small Engine Mechanic
    9) Industrial Machinery Mechanic
    10) Artist
    and other odd entries…so I took it again.
    1.Director of Photography
    2.Set Designer
    3.Costume Designer
    4.Special Effects Technician
    5.Computer Support Person
    6.Industrial Designer
    8.Interior Designer
    9.Fashion Designer
    10.Project Manager
    Some odd ones on my list, #24 Train Operator (wanted to be that when I was a kid), #32 Potter, #33 Truck Driver, #36 Comedian(?)
    did further testing and based on my skills, got a “B” for all 40 of my results…strange

  3. jason

    Well, like I said, I don’t put a lot of faith in these job-skill survey dealies. A farm machine operator? What the heck is that? A tractor driver?