Fall Must Be Coming…

How do I know that the season is changing?

Well, for one thing, the temperature when I left the house this morning was delightfully cool, somewhere in the upper 60s, the first time it’s been that low in several months and a welcome change for this curmudgeonly blogger, who has found this year’s record-setting string of 100-plus days to be just about unbearable.

But the real tip-off was the legion of cute young co-eds commuting up to the U of U this morning for their first day of classes… which, of course, goes hand-in-hand with the Utah Transit Authority’s asinine annual ritual of shortening their light-rail trains just when a reasonable person would expect that they’d need more capacity. All summer long, the trains have been running with four cars and were mostly empty. Now, this morning, with all these new faces waiting on the platform, there were just two cars, and we ended up wedged in like cattle.

