More on the BHS Class of ’87 Reunion

I received an e-mail this morning from Jeff Farr, the president of Bingham High’s Class of 1987 and organizer of our upcoming 20-year reunion. Sounds like he could use some help!

I’ve forwarded his message on to all my former classmates for whom I had e-mail addresses, but maybe there are some more of you lurking silently here that I don’t know about. If you’re one of those, please read on, and then do what you can to spread the word…

The reunion is near (25 days) and we need your help. We need FOUR things:


1. SPREAD THE WORD! We have almost 100 people RSVP and need more. Email everyone you know about the web site. The site is the only way you can RSVP, find out about details, and buy tickets. The web site is: If you haven’t visited it yourself or RSVP be sure to check it out again. It’s been updated too!


2. WE NEED ALL YOUR PICTURES AND VIDEOS! I need them to use as “filler” material on the four plasma screens throughout the night. Email anything you have to me. (If any of you have audio/visual experience we’re looking for someone to put together a slide show/movie.)


3. WE NEED DONATED DOOR PRIZES! We plan to hand out raffel tickets at the door. Throughout the night we’ll have drawings. If you or your company can contribute ANYTHING – let me know! Perhaps a gift certificate, movie tickets, spa, golf, restaurants, salons, anything you can get with your connections. Contact me with ideas of who I can contact if you can’t.


4. BUY YOUR TICKETS – NOW! We’re in a money crunch. I’ve paid almost $3,500 already and need to come up with another $3,000 in deposits in two weeks. To hold the Venue, pay for the food, the band – everyone requires payment up front before the event. Not to mention the money needed to buy supplies, decorations, keep the web site going, etc. If you’re able, and are planning to go to the reunion, please go to the web site and buy your tickets now instead of at the door. This will help offset some of these deposit costs and give you a discount on the tickets. Of course if you’d simply like to donate to the class fund you can do that too.


If you know of anyone you can forward this message to – do it! NOW! Only 25 days left!


Contact me with any questions or comments.


Take Care!


