Happy Birthday, Anne

As you may have surmised from the title of this entry, today is The Girlfriend’s birthday. Neither of us are all that keen on birthdays anymore, on account of having had a few too many of them for comfort, but, darling, I hope this will be a good one for you anyhow. I also hope you won’t think your presents suck. You’ll be receiving them in a few hours.
In the meantime, allow me to embarrass you with this classic image from your past:

Anne napping with a stuffed penguin.

When I think of you, baby, this is the image that often come to mind: you engaged in one of your favorite pastimes — napping — with a stuffed penguin…


12 comments on “Happy Birthday, Anne

  1. chenopup

    Happy Birthday, Anne!!!!!!!!

  2. The Girlfriend


  3. The Girlfriend

    Thanks for the birthday post, baby. And just to set the record straight, I haven’t slept with a penguin since this particular occasion. (Although I can’t deny that I do like to nap.) 🙂

  4. jason

    You’re welcome, baby – hope you had a good day.

  5. steph

    Happy birthday Annie! Hope it’s a great one. Hey, we are all getting together at Green Street this Saturday to celebrate my bday. If you can, you and Jas should come. Otherwise, we’ll be barbequing at the house on Sunday. Give me a call. I broke my phone so I don’t have your phone numbers anymore. Jas, either of you email me….stepher0813@yahoo.com

  6. The Girlfriend

    Hey Steph! Thanks for the birthday wishes. And the same to you! We can’t make it on Saturday (it’s the family party for all my nieces who have August birthdays) but we’d love to come by Sunday. I’ll give you a call later today and get the details.

  7. steph

    Perfect! We can finally get caught up! I just emailed Mike and told him. He’ll be excited to see you guys again!

  8. Brian Greenberg

    Happy Birthday, Anne.
    And Jason – you make a strong argument that any picture taken with a polaroid camera should be declared too old for posting on the web… 😉

  9. jason

    Ah, Brian, you’re no fun, what with your cutting-edge fancy digital cameras and such! Where’s the ambience, man?

  10. Mark

    Happy Birthday Sis!

  11. The Girlfriend

    Thanks, Brian!

  12. The Girlfriend

    Thanks, Mark!