Couple of Web Toys

Just a couple of curiosities that are apparently making their way around the interweb this morning:

First, courtesy of Brian Greenberg, an interesting little resource called, which tells you how walkable your neighborhood is based on the proximity of stores, restaurants, and other destinations. I figured the Bennion Compound would rank very low, since the area is basically just a suburban wasteland, but to my surprise, it scored fairly well, 75 out of 100. My local grocery store is 0.42 miles away, and Starbucks isn’t much farther at only 0.44 miles from my door. The Riverton Library is a no-brainer — I can see it from my back yard, but it’s interesting to know that it is 0.15 miles away. The Lazy Dog Saloon is just up the street (0.22 miles) if I feel a sudden need to drink Coors, listen to country-western music, and lose a tooth, and oddly enough, there’s supposedly a sushi place only 0.2 miles from me. I didn’t know about that one; I might have to go exploring later.

Not surprisingly, my downtown workplace scored higher (but not as much higher as I would’ve expected), coming in at 86 out of 100, while the area around The Girlfriend’s apartment earns a relatively dismal 49 out of 100.

Moving along, Jaquandor turned me on to another of those personality quiz doohickies, something called Personal DNA. My results are below:

Supposedly, you can mouse over any of those colored squares above and learn something about what they mean, but it doesn’t seem to be working on my computer. Something about the Firefox browser perhaps…


4 comments on “Couple of Web Toys

  1. Cranky Robert

    My L.A. address scored 68. I suck.
    Both of my New York addresses scored 98.

  2. jason

    Hm… that’s weird that your address would score lower than mine. From what I can recall, your neighborhood seemed like a much better place for a stroll than mine, what with my house being on such a busy street. Obviously, “ambience” isn’t a factor in the rating.
    As for your NY addresses, well, yeah, that’s obvious. Look on the bright side: at least you don’t live in Anne’s apartment complex! That’s the lowest ranking of any I’ve seen…

  3. The Girlfriend

    My work address scored a 45. I don’t even recognize most of the locations listed. The only thing I know is the park, and it’s more than a half mile from my office.

  4. Keith

    Wow my house in NJ only got a 43. I expected a higher score especially with Jas’ 75. I was horrified to learn that there are officially 6 dunkin doughnuts within 2 miles of my house!! My work keeps causing an error so no score.