The Price of Potter

OK, you know you’ve been reading too much Harry Potter when you’re proofing a technology-related document at work, you start reading a sentence that begins, “Defense against viruses,” and your mind sees it as “Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
And I’m still only on Book 5. Somebody help me…


4 comments on “The Price of Potter

  1. Cranky Robert

    You think computer viruses aren’t part of the Dark Arts? Now who’s being naive?

  2. jason

    Well, I don’t know about viruses, but spam? That’s definitely got the stink of evil on it…

  3. The Girlfriend

    Considering the headaches my parents have been experiencing the past 2 weeks because of a virus, and the hassle we went through here at work, I’d agree with Robert. Virus’ are definitely a Dark Art.

  4. jason

    Yeah, I’ll give you that, hon…