No More Bat Boy

Damn it! I just heard that the Weekly World News — that most outrageous of supermarket tabloids, the one which brings us vital updates on the impending end of the world as well as the latest adventures of Bat Boy — is ceasing publication in only a few short weeks.

The WWN is utterly ridiculous, of course — is there anyone, even in the farthest reaches of the Ozarks, who actually believes anything they read in its pages? — but it’s always brought me some much-needed amusement as I stood in line at the checkout stand with the Muzak boring into my skull and my eyeballs burning from the flourescent overheads. I’m going to miss seeing which politicians are meeting with the aliens this month…

One note of interest: the article I linked to above says that WWN “…was also known as a reliable source of paychecks for science fiction and fantasy writers looking to make a few extra bucks.” I always wondered where that stuff came from.


4 comments on “No More Bat Boy

  1. The Girlfriend

    What will you bring me to read the next time I’m sick? 🙁

  2. jason

    We’ll have to stick to comic books and celebrity gossip rags, I guess…

  3. The Girlfriend

    That just won’t be the same…

  4. jason

    No, it won’t. I’m sorry, luv…