Another Voice in the Dark, Part II

It’s been a crazy couple of days leading into tomorrow’s holiday, and I haven’t been able to come around this place much. (You may have noticed. Or not. Probably not, but I like to delude myself that people hang on my every word and miss me when I’m not pontificating.) I’m just about to shut down Ye Olde PC and head out for a party, but I wanted to quickly mention that my good buddy Mike Chenoweth, better known in these parts as “Chenopup,” has decided to give this blog thing another try. You may remember that he toyed with blogging once before, only to get distracted by so-called “Real Life” and give up on it after a few entries. Hopefully, he’ll be able to find more of a balance point this time around.

Show him some support and go check out his shiny new web site, won’t you? And have a happy Fourth of July, too! Throw another brat on the barby for me…
