
4 comments on “I Just Got My Wish…

  1. Cranky Robert

    Way to go, bitch! (Did that help?)

  2. jason

    Probably! Thanks, dude! (We keep this up and I’ll get an R!)

  3. Brian Greenberg

    Funny…I dropped the “F-bomb” (first time ever on my blog, as best I can recall), and it still says “G”. Apparently, the most offensive word I’ve used is “pissed.”
    Maybe the fact that I used all caps?

  4. jason

    Hmm. I swear fairly often on this blog — “damn” and “hell” are probably the frequent, and I have used the f-bomb a few times — but the tester doohickie shows the only offensive words I’ve used are “hell” and “whore.” I’m guessing that it probably only judges whatever entries are displayed on the front page — no drilling into the archives. As for the capping, you’re probably right, it must be case-senstive. Which makes no sense to me. But then I probably expect too much from my silly internet distractions… 🙂