Bingham High Class of ’87 Reunion — Already?

Sometimes, it’s really hard for me to wrap my head around the truth of just how old I’m getting to be. Maybe that’s because I spend so much time writing about my younger days on this blog; keeping my memories stirred up all the time tricks me into feeling like the year 1987 isn’t all that far away.

At least it doesn’t seem very far away until I really start thinking about what was going on in 1987: Ronald Reagan was in the White House and Margaret Thatcher was living at Number 10 Downing Street; the Soviet Union still existed; the Berlin Wall divided east from west; Iran and Iraq were at war with each other; the names “Gary Hart,” “Donna Rice,” “Jim Bakker,” and “Jessica Hahn” were all over the tabloids; The Simpsons were just short interstitial segments on The Tracy Ullman Show; the Fox Network had just started operation, and 21 Jump Street was its most popular show; and Richard Marx and Tiffany were two of the biggest musical acts in the land. Viewed in that light, 1987 suddenly seems pretty damn distant, doesn’t it?

Here’s one final salvo to really drive the point home: I’ve gotten word that my 20-year high school reunion is coming up this fall. It’s going to be held at The Depot, a really nifty night club located in the old Union Pacific train station at The Gateway, on September 8th. There’s a website with all the details here; it includes a feature where you can leave some info about what you’ve been up to for the past two decades (it’s free, unlike that other reunion-type website you may have heard of).
I happen to know that a number of my fellow Bingham Miners read this blog, so if any of you are still in touch with any of our other classmates, spread the word, will you? And go let everybody know what you’ve been up to! (Besides reading my humble blog, of course…)
