Congratulations to Keith and Danielle — Again!

This is a little after-the-fact, but I just got the news this morning:

My old school chum Keith Jensen and his wife Danielle have welcomed their second child into the world. It’s another daughter, Cailee Brynne Jensen (nicely Celtic name there, guys), born May 22. The statistics are as follows, for those who are into that sort of thing (Anne, I’m thinking of you): 7 lbs., 6 oz., 20 inches long.

Mother and daughter are both fine. Congrats to the whole family, and I hope life in Jersey isn’t getting you too down…


4 comments on “Congratulations to Keith and Danielle — Again!

  1. Derek Smith

    Hey, congratulations, Keith! Girls are great (that’s the only kind I know how to make, too).

  2. the girlfriend

    Congratulations coming from my way, too!

  3. Keith

    Hey Guys,
    Thanks! Everybody is adjusting to the new arrival and doing well.
    Funny about NJ, Danielle has a T-shirt that reads, “Only the strong survive New Jersey.” So far so good, but we’re in the phase of: ‘stuck with the disadvantages, and not enough time/money to enjoy the advantages’

  4. jason

    Well, let’s hope that changes soon, eh?