More Wars

Oh, and if you can stand one more item on the 30th anniversary of Star Wars, I liked Javier’s remarks:

at this point “star wars” is a living thing – a highly complex and still-developing universe that goes well beyond a series of films. it’s also the guiding light for a great number of media professionals of my generation: while studying at usc film school, george lucas’s alma mater, i used to say that there were two kinds of film school students in my age category, those who freely admitted that they were there because of george lucas’s example, and damned liars.

if you’re like me, and your feelings about uncle george are deeply mixed because of the quality of the prequels, or because of how many damned times you have had to buy the movies in multiple formats, or because of lucasfilm’s extremely poor management of the original movies in their original forms, or the excessive merchandising, or because the “dark nest” trilogy of post NJO novels was kinda weak, or what have you…
…well, get over it and raise a glass [of] corellian noale – wherever you are.
some of the prequel trilogy haters have been heard to say “george lucas raped my childhood” but, i’ll tell you what, george lucas gave me my childhood. my life changed the day i saw “star wars” and for that – for the moment when i saw what was possible on the screen and said “i want to do that” – i can only be eternally grateful.
happy star wars day!
