Ever Wonder How Big the Enterprise Really Is?

Okay, so we all know intellectually that those imaginary spaceships we love in movies and on TV would be really frakkin’ big if they were real, but do you have a genuine, visceral sense for how big? Have a look at the image below:


That’s the handiwork of one Jason Fortuny, who decided to see how the U.S.S. Enterprise (the Next Generation version) would relate to his home town of Seattle. Various sources put the ship’s official length at 643 meters. As you can see, that’s gobsmackingly big in relation to real-world objects we can actually relate to, about seven city blocks long. Click the image to see it larger, and then click through to Jason’s site to see the ship’s silhouette laid over a GoogleEarth map of the city. Neat stuff…


2 comments on “Ever Wonder How Big the Enterprise Really Is?

  1. Jaquandor

    Ever seen the Starship Dimensions site?
    It’s a fun diversion for your next “Hey, could the Enterprise take out a Star Destroyer” or “Do you think a Borg cube could withstand an assault from the Death Star” bull session!

  2. jason

    Wowsers… I’m going to kill hours looking at that thing!