Time Stand Still

pringtime in Utah is marvelously chaotic. Yesterday at lunchtime it was 80-some-odd degrees and brilliantly sunshiney. Come evening, I was driving home from the train station with the top down, a strong wind buffetting the ‘stang, and turbulent swirls of charcoal-colored clouds sweeping across the Wasatch Mountains in the east. This morning, the temperature is in the 40s, it’s been raining sporadically since late last night, and the sky looks like a fresh bruise.

Normally, I love this variability — I find it exciting, and most of the time I actually like the rain. It reminds me of England. But this morning, it’s kind of bumming me out, and, oddly enough, I think it’s for the exact same reason I usually like it: it reminds me of England. It’s been almost 14 years since my big landmark month-long adventure there; I can’t believe so much time has passed, or how quickly it’s seemed to go. Back then, I really believed I would’ve returned by now, and that I would’ve gone lots of other places, too. I’ve crossed a few destinations off my list in the years since then, but not nearly as many as I once imagined I would.

I’m feeling melancholy today, I guess, and nostalgic and rambling and self-indulgent. In other words, all those things that define Simple Tricks and Nonsense. I probably shouldn’t be boring my Three Loyal Readers with this whiny crap, and I apologize to you for doing it, but this is what’s on my mind: things I thought I’d do by this point in my life and things I haven’t yet done. Of course, it probably doesn’t help my mood that I’ve started reading Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five, a book that’s positively obsessed with death and time and finding a way to look back at things without turning to stone (if you haven’t read it, trust me, that all makes sense in context). I find myself thinking of a song by Rush that I used to like, “Time Stand Still”:

I turn my back to the wind
To catch my breath
Before I start off again.
Driven on without a moment to spend
To pass an evening with a drink and a friend
I let my skin get too thin
I’d like to pause
No matter what I pretend
Like some pilgrim
Who learns to transcend
Learns to live as if each step was the end
(Time stand still)
I’m not looking back
But I want to look around me now
(Time stand still)
See more of the people and the places that surround me now
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each sensation a little bit stronger
Experience slips away
Experience slips away
I turn my face to the sun
Close my eyes
Let my defences down
All those wounds that I can’t get unwound
I let my past go too fast
No time to pause
If I could slow it all down
Like some captain, whose ship runs aground
I can wait until the tide comes around
(Time stand still)
I’m not looking back
But I want to look around me now
(Time stand still)
See more of the people and the places that surround me now
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each impression a little bit stronger
Freeze this motion a little bit longer
The innocence slips away
The innocence slips away…
Summer’s going fast, nights growing colder
Children growing up, old friends growing older
Freeze this moment a little bit longer
Make each impression a little bit stronger
Experience slips away
Experience slips away…
The innocence slips away

God, it just occurred to me that that song is now 20 years old. That’s just the cherry on top, isn’t it?


6 comments on “Time Stand Still

  1. Cranky Robert

    Don’t despair, Jason. We’ll go back to Cambridge one of these summers. And think how much more we know about girls now.

  2. jason

    Boy, that’s a scary thought… I still don’t know what makes ’em tick…

  3. Stephanie Mednick

    Hey, that’s why I joined the wonderful world of travel agents. Finally got to see what you were talking about in NYC all those times we discussed it! Love the place, love the smells, the people, the buildings…all of it. I’m off to San Juan next month. We’ll see how that goes. Hoping to actually make it to Scotland (yes, this also makes me think of you my friend!!) next year on the next business trip….

  4. jason

    Hey, that’s cool, Steph – I didn’t realize you were actually getting some perks out of your job. New York is quite the place for us po’ Utah hicks, ain’t it? 🙂
    I hear San Juan is beautiful; hope you have a great time. Are you going for business or fun?

  5. Stephanie Mednick

    Yes, this industry does have it’s perks here and there! These trips are for business, but we do have free time to roam around and do things. I did New York with a friend and alone and could not believe how nice the people there are. Especially when I got confused with the subway system! Oh boy. It was great though. I will definitely be going back soon.

  6. jason

    I found the NY subway confusing, too, especially compared to the London Underground, which has much easier maps and naming systems, in my not-so-humble opinion.
    My experience with New Yorkers was kind of a mixed bag – some I met were very nice and patient with this slow-talking Westerner, others were complete dicks. Which I guess is par for the course anywhere you go, really.
    I would like to go there again, though, and that probably says something…