Just in case there’s anyone out there who still has any sort of appetite for Star Wars-related crap, a couple of quickie links:
Monthly Archives: May 2007

The Future That Never Happened

Trippy Bicentennial Cartoon
You know, I like to think I’ve got pretty good recall of all the various things I was exposed to during my childhood, especially the pop-cultural stuff, but even I have forgotten a lot of the truly weird crap that was floating around in the 1970s. Consider, for example, this animated musical tribute to our nation’s 1976 Bicentennial:
I think my favorite bit is the cornucopia spewing forth hamburgers, hot dogs, and console television sets. That’s America in a nutshell, isn’t it?

I’m Time-Travelling Again
According to the digital clock-sign at the train station this morning, it was 4.21 AM, January 1, 1999. Oh, goodie, now I can relive all the madness that led up to the premiere of The Phantom Menace…
(Seriously, that would be fun, don’t you think? The final few moments of unadulterated excitement before Star Wars fandom broke down into testy pro and con factions…)

Ever Wonder How Big the Enterprise Really Is?
Okay, so we all know intellectually that those imaginary spaceships we love in movies and on TV would be really frakkin’ big if they were real, but do you have a genuine, visceral sense for how big? Have a look at the image below:
That’s the handiwork of one Jason Fortuny, who decided to see how the U.S.S. Enterprise (the Next Generation version) would relate to his home town of Seattle. Various sources put the ship’s official length at 643 meters. As you can see, that’s gobsmackingly big in relation to real-world objects we can actually relate to, about seven city blocks long. Click the image to see it larger, and then click through to Jason’s site to see the ship’s silhouette laid over a GoogleEarth map of the city. Neat stuff…

Virgin Mega-Sale
Just a little PSA for anyone who lives in the Salt Lake area: the Virgin Megastore at Gateway is going out of business, and everything in the place is currently 25% off. Even with that hefty of a discount, the prices are still higher than you’d pay online — no doubt that’s why they’re going out of business — but a sharp-eyed shopper might be able to land some bargains. I myself picked up those groovy multi-disc collector’s editions of Rebel Without a Cause, The Maltese Falcon, and Forbidden Planet, as well as Edward Scissorhands for The Girlfriend. Just in case you were wondering…

Did the Earth Move for You, Too?
So, Monday night, The Girlfriend and I were at her apartment catching up on the season finale of 24. (Last week was a busy one, so I taped all the season finales; tonight we’re planning to see how Lost wrapped up. And yes, I recorded these shows on good old-fashioned VHS tape. None of them fancy digital video hard-drive doohickeys for this grumpy old curmudgeon!) We were down to the final five tension-filled minutes when we heard something that can only be described using one of those comic-book sound-effect tags: crackBOOOOOM!!!
This was followed by the couch lurching sharply sideways.
Anne and I looked at each other with the same “what the hell was that?” expression, then she asked if I thought we ought to go outside. This seemed a prudent course of action…

By Request: More Crap!
All right, all right, the people have spoken (well, three of you have, anyway), so here you go: more Star Wars crap!

Drive-By Blogging 3: Revenge of the Blog
In honor of the 30th anniversary of my all-time favorite film — and if you don’t know what that is by now, then you haven’t been paying attention — allow me to present a whole mess of related links. You folks out there in InternetLand enjoy looking at this stuff tonight; me, I’ll be off watching the movie itself. My bootlegged copy of the original, unrevised version, of course…

A Sampling From Around the Galaxy
The blogosphere is, not surprisingly, sagging under the weight of personal 30th anniversary remembrances today, so I thought I’d offer a few links to some “official” coverage: