Voyagers! on DVD!

Wow, here’s an announcement I never thought I’d read: the TV series Voyagers! will be released on DVD on July 17th.
What’s that? You say you’ve never heard of Voyagers!? Well, I’m not surprised. It lasted only a single season, but it made a huge impression on me. Aimed squarely at the 10-14 year old market, the show was about a handsome-but-lunkheaded time traveler who accidentally picks up a 10-year-old companion, then finds himself unable to return the kid to his own time. Not that the kid wants to go… you see, he’s a history buff and an orphan, so blazing through the past is far more appealing than growing up in a boring old foster home in 1982. And his knowledge of history comes in useful, because our grown-up Voyager lost his handy guidebook and doesn’t know crap about any of the events they keep finding themselves in the middle of.

It was all pretty silly and self-consciously educational in the way of early-80s kidvid, but I’m pretty sure this is one I’ll still enjoy. I’ve already earmarked my $49.98 for the set. Now, if only somebody would get to work on Tales of the Gold Monkey

Here are the opening credits for Voyagers!, which should give you a taste of the show if you don’t remember it, or generate a nice nostalgic glow if you do:


2 comments on “Voyagers! on DVD!

  1. Cheryl

    I LOVED Voyagers and was outraged that it was cancelled so quickly! I never knew anyone else who liked it. An obvious reason it was cancelled! Enjoy your DVD!

  2. jason

    Hey, Cheryl, it’s good to see you in these parts again. Welcome back!
    Wow, the things you learn about your friends, eh? I had no idea you liked his show either. Guess we really need to discuss these things…