Further Evidence That Human Beings Suck

So, I get on my train this morning at my usual station, the end-of-the-line terminus at the south end of the valley. The train sits at this stop for 15 minutes or so in between runs, to give people time to actually walk across the immense park ‘n’ ride lot and get on board, which means that on mornings when I’m one of the first people on — as I was today — I get to sit in a mostly empty train car and observe what human beings do when they think no one’s around. And today I saw a corker:

There was this corpulent, sour-faced old man in cheap velcro-fastened shoes who apparently doesn’t know or doesn’t care that you’re not supposed to eat on the train. I watched as he pulled a leftover KFC drumstick out of a plastic grocery bag and commenced to chowing down, dropping bits of Extra Crispy coating all over himself and the bench seat on which he’d parked his immense rear. This was mildly annoying, but I see people eating or drinking coffee fairly often in the mornings, so I could let it slide. No, the thing that really got me was that when he finished his breakfast, he carefully placed the bone under the seat in front of him, then got up and moved to another seat.

I debated for some time over whether to go tap him on the shoulder and ask him if he really thought no one had seen him commit his tiny act of ignorant, inconsiderate crappiness, but he looked like the sort who would escalate the situation into something truly ugly. In the end, I wussed out and chose to avoid confrontation. And it’s been bothering me ever since… I really should have just faced the argument and let the stupid old son of a bitch have it with both barrels.


2 comments on “Further Evidence That Human Beings Suck

  1. John C

    Totally understand the wuss-out. I was on my first visit to Carmel and the spectacular beach, and a young couple finished their beer bottle and simply slid it under the sand. I stopped and said something wussy like “I hope no one steps on that bottle and hurts their foot.” She said something stupid like “They won’t” and I left it at that. I still fume about that 30 years later.

  2. jason

    Amazing how that stuff sticks with you, isn’t it? You always wish you’d had the balls to get in their faces and give them a piece of mind. Leastwise, I always do…