The Latest on The Jealous Astronaut

I don’t know if anyone else is following this story or cares in the least, but I have a morbid fascination for it, so here’s what’s happening with former astronaut Lisa Nowak:

  • Her attorneys formally entered a “not guilty” plea last Thursday. (The article notes that this is in addition to an earlier, written plea, which I’m assuming is the one I mentioned here; I’m still not certain how or why you would plead twice like this.)
  • Lisa, a US Navy officer who was technically just on loan to NASA, has a new assignment developing flight-training lesson plans at an air base in Corpus Christi, Texas. A Navy spokesman indicated that she would be working in “more of a course developer role, rather than be[ing] a direct instructor.” No doubt this is a tactful way of saying that she’ll be safely confined to a cubicle somewhere and not allowed to interact with the impressionable trainees.
  • And finally (and not surprisingly), NASA has announced the formation of a new committee to review the healthcare services the agency currently offers to astronauts, as well as how astronauts are screened for both mental and physical health. I imagine one of the goals of this review is to figure out how Nowak’s, um, condition went unnoticed until she became dangerous.

Lisa Nowak’s trial is expected to begin on July 30.


5 comments on “The Latest on The Jealous Astronaut

  1. Cranky Robert

    Again, you reported the news without referencing the diaper. I don’t think I’m getting my money’s worth here.

  2. jason

    Sorry, how careless of me… I’ll have to make a note to include gratuitous diaper references for CR from now on…

  3. theresa

    Speaking of diapers, isn’t it odd how the data released by the police proves she never needed the diapers because she didn’t drive non-stop from Houston to Orlando?
    With the overnight in the Florida Panhandle and at least two petrol fill ups required to make the trip, the premise that she didn’t want to stop or be recognized falls away. But two used diapers were nonetheless found in her car…one wonders why.
    One also wonders what Lisa was doing while waiting for her rival to arrive in Orlando. Since we now know she didn’t drive non-stop from Houston, and the drive from her hotel to Orlando is only around five hours, Lisa had plenty of time left to wait…

  4. jason

    Theresa, I haven’t heard those details. Very odd indeed.

  5. Cranky Robert

    Apparently a person crazy enough to embark on such a journey wearing a diaper is also crazy enough not to realize that she doesn’t need one.