I Need Remedial Geography

Jaquandor turned me onto this geography quiz thingie, which asks you to name as many states as you can in 10 minutes. I went into it rather cockily, figuring I spent all those years reading National Geographic, so I ought to clean up, right? Eh, not so much… I named 40 states in about four minutes, then managed to pick up only three more as the clock ticked off the final six minutes. I couldn’t for the life of me think of Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, or Wisconsin.

I think I’ll skip the one that asks you to name 192 U.N. member states in 10 minutes. I’ve already been humbled enough for one morning…


One comment on “I Need Remedial Geography

  1. Cranky Robert

    I got it with 3:44 to go, but I confess that I spent the last three minutes stuck on Alaska and Hawaii.
    I won’t be doing the U.N. thingy.