A Thousand-Dollar Brownie?

Via Boing Boing, evidence that we have become a hopelessly decadent society:

…a restaurant in Atlantic City has come up with a $1,000 brownie… Brûlee’s “Brownie Extradordinaire with Saint Louis” is a chocolate brownie made with Italian hazelnuts, dusted with edible gold powder and served with a very rare port. After each bite, the dessert captain squirts a mist of the vintage port on your tongue with a $750 atomizer, which incidentally is yours to keep.

The online menu for this place can be found here, if you want to see how the better one percent lives.

I can’t begin to describe how offensively vulgar I find this. I am utterly disgusted by the thought of rich, spoiled bastards with more money than sense ($1K is equal to four payments on my Mustang!) eating a precious-metal-encrusted brownie while a lackey (no doubt dressed in velvets with a powdered wig, just like they did in the good old days before the guillotine spoiled the party) silently stands by to squirt wine into their lazy mouths because they can’t be troubled to soil their fingers by lifting a frakking glass. I wonder if the restaurant also offers to complete the whole experience by sending a perfumed peasant home with the diner to wipe their tushy with a napkin of fine Egyptian linen? I imagine the gold powder does improve the aesthetics of the inevitable conclusion, at least.


4 comments on “A Thousand-Dollar Brownie?

  1. Jen B

    It compares with the $1,000 martini I saw someone sell at the Kentucky Derby… with ice flown in from Antarctica. I was surprised when the man buying it pulled the bills out of his pocket… but I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised, considering the nature of the venue.

  2. jason

    Ugh. Even if you have that kind of money, you’d think you’d have more class and/or sense than to spend it in such a fashion. I find the whole idea of $1K desserts, meals, and beverages to be hopelessly vulgar. Real Marie Antoinette kind of stuff.

  3. Cranky Robert

    So really it’s a $250 brownie plus the mister. I’m not saying it’s right.

  4. jason

    Perhaps a $1000 brownie experience would be the best description?