How Do You Torture a Proofreader?

It’s been a while since I posted any examples of especially bad prose encountered during my day job as a mild-mannered proofreader at a major metropolitan corporation. I was beginning to think that I’d never again find anything dunderheaded enough to bother sharing with my Three Loyal Readers.

I was wrong. Check this out:

A period is defined as the amount of day’s/weeks it takes…

It’s not Egregious Corporate Speak in the sense of being a conglomeration of marketing buzzwords and other jargon, but it definitely appears to have been deliberately designed to give me a headache. The thing I don’t get is why more than one day requires the apostrophe while more than one week does not. Does someone think there are different pluralization rules for different time periods?



6 comments on “How Do You Torture a Proofreader?

  1. Jen B

    Misuse of possessives is one of my trigger points when it comes to punctuation.

  2. jason

    Yep, me, too, and for some reason I’ve been seeing a lot of this lately… a lot more than usual, that is.

  3. Cranky Robert

    Folk’s, who misuse punctuation should be: shot!

  4. jason

    Or at least forcibly subjected to something that annoys them as much as their constant written errors annoy me…

  5. Jen B

    Jason, have you ever read Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss? Methinks you would find it amusing at the very least. 🙂

  6. jason

    I haven’t read that, but I’m aware of it, and Cranky Robert has recommended it to me several times. One of these days…