I’m Such a Dork

Sunday morning. I’m at The Girlfriend’s apartment, waiting for her to finish getting ready so we can go to brunch, our usual Sabbath-day routine. Suddenly, I realize her poodle is staring at me with deep, imploring eyes… he needs to go outside and do his dirty, sinful business. Being the great guy that I am, I put on his leash and take him outside.
Through the open patio door at my back, I can hear brief snatches of unrelated sound: a TV chef blathering about oysters, a cacophony of cheering at a sporting event, gunshots, country music. The Girlfriend is channel-surfing. The disconnected rapid-fire audio stops, and there’s now a familiar, urgent melody playing.

“Sounds like you found some classic Trek,” I say over my shoulder.

“Bet you can’t tell me which episode,” she calls back.

I listen for a moment. I can’t hear it terribly well…

“What is that, ‘Amok Time’?” I ask. She doesn’t answer me. Puzzled, I turn to look back through the door. She’s sitting on the couch with the TV remote dangling loosely from one hand and a stunned look on her face.

“What?” I say, even though I already know.

“How do you do that?”

I shrug and wait for the dog to finish relieving himself while Spock, deep in the throes of pon farr, fights his captain and friend to the death for the sake of a woman…


9 comments on “I’m Such a Dork

  1. The Girlfriend

    What I actually said was “F*** you”. 🙂

  2. Jen B

    Steve still needs to see “Amok Time”…
    We caught the last half of “Journey to Babel” on TV a couple weeks ago, so he can kind of cross that one off his list.

  3. jason

    Anne: my version was funnier. Hope you don’t mind being edited. 🙂
    Jen: Steve hasn’t seen “Amok Time?” Holy crap… that’s one of the classics! Where did Steve spend his childhood, outside playing in the sunlight? Ugh… he should’ve been parked in front of the tube, like me…

  4. Jen B

    I have a whole list of classic Trek episodes he Must Watch if he’s to consider himself well-versed in classic Sci-Fi TV…. City on the Edge of Forever, Amok Time, Journey to Babel, Space Seed… (Actually, I still need to see Space Seed myself…) He’s seen very few of them.

  5. jason

    That really surprises me for some reason. I’ve long assumed that everybody has seen all the classic Trek episodes at least once, just because they’ve been run so many times…
    As it happens, I have the whole series. We ought to arrange a viewing night… (Speaking of which, Anne and I still need to watch Brother Bear and return it to you guys. Profuse apologies…)

  6. Brian Greenberg

    I’ve long assumed that everybody has seen all the classic Trek episodes at least once, just because they’ve been run so many times…
    No, you’re confusing it with Seinfeld. Everyone in the country has seen all of those episodes. Errr…haven’t they?!?

  7. jason

    Well, I have, but it’s becoming all too obvious that I watch way too much TV…

  8. John C

    Two comments:
    1) Be sure you’ve seen Kirk get married in “The Paradise Syndrom”, and
    2) At one time people thought future generations would be born with the “Gilligan” gene, because you’d know the theme song to “Gilligan’s Island” from birth. That theory was shot to Hades when a group of gen-Y folks were talking about having a party and one of us Baby Boomers said “Make it a Gilligan’s Island” Theme party, and they didn’t know what we were talking about.

  9. jason

    Oh, well, that’s just sad. One of the best nights of my life involved several pints of Guinness and a “Gilligan’s Island theme song” sing-a-long…