The Trolley Square Shooter

The gunman has been identified as Sulejmen Talovic, an 18-year-old who lived with his mother in Salt Lake. No word yet as to motive, and it appears he was working entirely on his own.

Holly Mullen, a former columnist for the Salt Lake Tribune and newly minted blogger, attended the noon-time press conference I mentioned earlier and has a full report on everything that was said, including a detailed rundown of how last night’s events unfolded. I see little reason for me to summarize or rewrite what she’s posted, so go have a look if you’re curious.

I will, however, note for the record the names of the victims. First, the dead:

  • Teresa Ellis, 29
  • Brad Frantz, 24
  • Kirsten Hinckley, 15
  • Vanessa Quinn, 29
  • Jeffery Walker, 52

And here are the injured and/or hospitalized:

  • Stacy Hansen, 53
  • Shawn Munns, 34
  • Carolyn Tufts, 44
  • Jeffery Allen Walker, 16

I feel kind of cold for what I’m about to say, but I’m very thankful that I didn’t know any of them…
