Monthly Archives: January 2007

Subway Hero

If I’d seen this in a movie, I would’ve said it was too far-fetched to believe: a 50-year-old man saved a 20-year-old stranger’s life after the other guy suffered some sort of seizure and fell from a New York subway platform onto the tracks. The older man — who was with his two young daughters, no less — dove onto the tracks himself and held the seizure victim down in the small space between the rails as a train roared past only inches above their heads. Neither man was badly injured, although Wesley Autrey, the hero of our story, emerged with a smear of grease on his stocking cap where the underside of the train grazed his head. The man he saved, Cameron Hollopeter, is in the hospital but I’d guess that’s as much to determine what happened to him before the train as from any damage the train did.

I’ve read the article I linked to above three times now, and I just keep shaking my head at the amazing-ness of it. How cool is it that there are people in the world who give enough of a damn (and who are fast-thinking enough) to do something like this for another human being? We all like to think that we’d be the hero ourselves if we found ourselves in a situation that required it, but how many of us would really rise to the occasion? I think I’d probably just stand there like an idiot. This story is both humbling and uplifting…

(Hat tip to Brian Greenberg for letting me know about this…)


New Toy

You may have already noticed that I’ve added a new feature to Simple Tricks and Nonsense. If not, take a look at the sidebar there on the right. You’ll need to scroll down a ways to see it, past the Quick Links module; it’s a “widget” that shows which DVDs The Girlfriend and I currently have on loan from Netflix. (We share the account, so the titles you see appearing there at any given time may reflect my tastes, her tastes, or our tastes. Try to guess which is which; it’s the fun new party game that’s sweeping the nation!) Kind of fun. Naturally, the three inaugural titles are a bit, well, uninspiring, but they can’t all be Wild Strawberries, can they?

I’m looking into a similar widget that will show off random titles from my LibraryThing catalog, and I’m also planning to prune down the Quick Links so you don’t have to scroll so far to see the widgets. Eventually, I’d like to change Simple Tricks to a three-column format and divide all the stuff that’s currently in the sidebar between two columns, but I haven’t had the time (and, to be honest, I haven’t yet figured out how) to do that.

In the meantime, enjoy my latest exercise in exhibitionism. Hey, I may not get around to writing reviews anymore, but at least you won’t have to wait a whole year to find out how I’m killing my free time!

[UPDATE: As promised, I’ve cleaned house on the Quick Links. I removed a bunch of blogs and journals that I read via Bloglines, as well as some sites that don’t update very often or that have outlived their usefulness. I don’t know if anyone other than me ever uses those links, but if I’ve taken away something you valued, just let me know and I’ll put it back.]


For Your Edification

We briefly digress from our regularly scheduled end-of-year rambling to offer up the following bits of potentially useful and/or entertaining information:


2006 Media Wrap-Up: The Audio-Visual Edition

Morning, everyone. Hope you’ve all recovered from New Year’s Eve by now. I’m getting there, with some help from the kind folks at The Coffee Garden down the street. Anyway, as promised, here is a quick look back at all the books I read and movies I watched during the year just ended. If you care, that is. Personally, I’m always curious to see where my tastes, interests, and whims have led during the past twelve. Sometimes there are interesting patterns to be found, moments when I was obviously obsessing on particular ideas and didn’t realize it; other times, it’s all an exercise in randomness, and that’s frequently interesting, too. At least it is for me. If it is for you as well, read on…

For the convenience of my three loyal readers, I’ve decided to split this topic across two entries this year. First up: movies!
