The Future’s Nearly Here

So, I was at The Girlfriend’s house the other night, idly flipping through the various cable-TV offerings after she’d gone to bed, when I stumbled upon Back to the Future II. And as I was watching Marty McFly running around trying to change history (again!), it occurred to me that the future depicted in this film — the year 2015 — is only eight years away. Eight… years. That’s nothing. That’s less than the lifespan of an overweight house cat.

There are times when I can’t believe I’ve gotten so damn old, or that it happened so damn fast. Somebody had better be working on inventing me a flying Delorean, dammit.


5 comments on “The Future’s Nearly Here

  1. Brian Greenberg

    Careful what you wish for. That flying Delorean might take you back to the year 1985!

  2. jason

    Actually, I’d probably be okay with that… 😉

  3. chenopup

    I’m okay with just a Hoverboard. Delorean would be nice but I don’t think my kids would like living in the 20’s. or maybe I could just work in the 20’s and come home every night to the future where I have decent heat, electricity the “the office” on the telly.

  4. jason

    Whoa, when did we start talking about the ’20s? I may be a hopeless nostalgic, but I’m all for heat and electricity…

  5. Brian Greenberg

    Heh…I thought he meant the 2020’s.
    See what happens when you start discussing this movie?!?