More Star Wars Videos

Via the indomitable Brian Greenberg, here’s a bizarre YouTube clip of the Death Star battle from the original Star Wars, re-enacted entirely by hands:

I don’t know if it’s because these guys are killer pantomimers or if it’s just because I’ve seen the movie so many times, but I had no trouble whatsoever figuring out what I was looking at. Either way, I’m scared. Somebody hold me.

Oh, and here’s another one that Brian sent me awhile back that I forgot to post. It highlights that uncomfortable parental paradox of trying to advise your kids not to experiment with the same things you yourself have enjoyed for years:


2 comments on “More Star Wars Videos

  1. Brian Greenberg

    Hey – who you callin’ indom… (pause, Google “indomitable,” check definition…)
    oh, gee, thanks… 😉

  2. jason

    Anytime, Brian, anytime… 🙂