It’s Really Damn Cold, Too

As if getting ripped off the other night wasn’t reason enough to be in a bad mood this week, the temperatures around here have plunged right through the floor into the god-forsaken darkness below. It’s cold. I mean, really cold. Bone-chilling, record-breaking, taun-taun-killing, frakking cold. It’s Minnesota cold. And that just ain’t right.

Believe it or not, Salt Lake is usually quite comfortable in the wintertime. Nighttime temps for this time of year are supposed to be in the low 30s, sometimes in the upper 20s. Chilly, but tolerable, so long as you have a decent coat. For the last couple of weeks, however, the highs have been in the teens and low 20s, and once the sun goes down, the mercury drops into the single digits. This is the kind of weather in which people die if they get stuck outside overnight. I spent a few minutes in the driveway last night talking to my dad, and my exposed face ended up feeling sunburned.

I’m not usually one to complain about the weather, but this is just miserable. I find myself watching the evening re-runs of Magnum, PI and Hawaii Five-0 a bit more wistfully these days…


4 comments on “It’s Really Damn Cold, Too

  1. Jen B

    My parents tell me that the other morning when they got up their thermometer read -19. Makes me long for home, I tell ya…

  2. jason

    Arg! That’s terrible… my parents have friends in Delta, where it got down to -24 the other night. It’s wrong, I tells ya!

  3. Cranky Robert

    And I thought you smelled bad on the outside.

  4. jason

    Nah, I only smell when I come inside. Outside, it’s too damn cold for odors to exist!