The Funniest Photo I’ve Seen in Weeks

I just ran across this while I was surfing:

The true cost of remakes.

So typical. You do good work, attain some measure of fleeting fame, then slide into semi-obscurity when the money runs out. Twenty-five years later, you think you’re about to get your big chance at a comeback only to have your legs cut out from under you by a younger, flashier model. No doubt this photo was taken somewhere on Sunset Blvd., just to make the humiliation complete.

You know, something just occurred to me: I remember many people saying 25 years ago that the Cylon Centurions of Battlestar Galactica were obviously a rip-off of the armored Imperial stormtroopers from Star Wars. I never really saw the similarity back in the day… but it seems to me that the modern “reimagined” Centurions bear more than a passing resemblance to the Super Battle Droids seen in Episodes II and III. Hmmm…


8 comments on “The Funniest Photo I’ve Seen in Weeks

  1. Cranky Robert

    Expecting a Google search to confirm that this photo was taken on Sunset Blvd., I discovered that Bloor Meat Market is at 2283 Bloor St. W. (at Runnymede) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I guess even Hollywood has been passed over.

  2. jason

    Robert, I am impressed at your intiative, disappointed that the photo does not match my preconceived notions (or at least support my lame joke), and curious: how do you suppose an unemployed Cylon ended up in Toronto?

  3. chenopup

    film incentives for production are great in Vancouver and Toronto. I’m sure the Cylon is looking for where the most film work is. Also less CG done out of Canada than the US, so he’s probably safer across the border. I’m wondering if he flew over or actually had to provide ID to get into Ontario.

  4. Cranky Robert

    He walked?

  5. jason

    I was imagining some elaborate scenario wherein he became an itinerant laborer of some sort. There was a woman involved, who led him into a dark place. A years-long cycle of drug abuse and rehab followed. All the while, poor Cy here watched the success of other cinematic robots with a sour eye — The Terminator, Robocop, that wanker Johnny Five, those wussy girly-girl mannikins from A.I. and I, Robot. And every time he heard that Richard Hatch was still trying to revive the old show, he’d call his agent. He knew he was a fool to get his hopes up, but you never knew, because, hey, Robbie the Robot had lots of guest-star roles over the years, right? Surely there’d be a place for him on something. He even tried calling Dirk Benedict, his best friend from the old days. He reminded Dirk of the skirts they’d chased together, the bongs they’d shared, the good times, but the best Dirk could do for him was that lousy opening-credit-sequence cameo on The A-Team. And then came the day when the first spots of rust started coming up on his face, his precious, beautiful face…

  6. Cranky Robert

    Then he discovered the Church of Scientology, flushed his meds down the toilet, fell in love with a Cylon half his age (granted, she had a nice set of armor), jumped up and down on Oprah’s couch, and now he’s back on top.

  7. jason

    Let’s just hope he doesn’t relapse, get picked up for DUI, and go off on some racist rant about how the daggits run everything in Hollywood…

  8. chenopup

    CNN is now reporting that Paris Hilton has befriended him and rumors are there are photos out there on the internet of the Cylon getting out of a car not wearing anything under his uniform skirt. At least you won’t have a CGI cylon flying his Raider with his infant on his lap.