
When I left the house this morning, it was about 8:15 AM on December 11, 2006. Twenty minutes later — at least according to my subjective experiences — the digital clock on the train platform informed me that it was now 10:05 AM, January 2, 2094. I can only assume that my car somehow approached the speed of light as I drove from my house to the park-n-ride lot.

I always thought the future would be much shinier than this. How disappointing.


7 comments on “Relativity

  1. Brian Greenberg

    Proof that they didn’t catch every Y2K bug…

  2. Steven Broschinsky

    Greetings from beyond the grave. OOOOOOO! Spooky. From hell’s heart I stab at thee. And miss badly because I have lousy depth perception.

  3. jason

    Aw, come on, Steve… you can’t be dead. Surely nanotechnology or stasis fields or some such have kept everybody alive and kicking, which is why 2094 seems to be so identical to 2006…

  4. chenopup

    perhaps you’ve lived the same day over and over for 88 years, Jas. And a Monday to boot. What a bummer. Not sure what you did to deserve it but I’m stearing clear 🙂

  5. jason

    God, that’s a depressing thought. Thanks, Cheno…

  6. Cranky Robert

    Is the future so bright that you gotta wear shades, or was that also a dirty lie??

  7. jason

    Actually, it’s rather overcast today, so it must have been a lie. But then so much ’80s music was, wasn’t it?