Of Inflatable Space Hotels and Rocket Packs

Quickly, because of the advancing hour, here are a couple of items that caught my attention this afternoon:

You may recall that earlier this year, a private company called Bigelow Aerospace orbitted a prototype for an inflatable space habitat. That test module, the so-called Genesis 1, has proven to be so successful that Bigelow is claiming to be far ahead of its own schedule to develop an orbital hotel. The second, larger test module — Genesis 2 — is on track to launch early next year, and plans are for a human-rated module — the Sundancer — to be up in the black by 2009 or 2010. The company is also looking into possible vehicles to get guests up to and back from the hotel. Details on this exciting, fascinating venture are here.

Meanwhile, back here on Earth, one of those “extreme” young gazillionaire types, who made a fortune from one of those new-fangled energy drinks that the kids love (I find them revolting, myself) and who is fascinated by the classic Bell rocket belt of the 1960s, has had a lighter, more up-to-date version designed and built for himself. These things are undoubtedly dangerous as hell, and not quite as useful or slick as The Rocketeer‘s streamlined engine, but I’d still love to take a spin in one. Maybe one day… when I get back from my weekend in the space hotel. Ah, the future…
