We’re Going to Have Company

‘Tis the season when neighbors “drop by” unexpectedly and out-of-town friends plan to visit for the weekend. You’d better be prepared for their arrival. Make sure your speakers are on before you click the link…

(Props to Brian Greenberg, who e-mailed this amusing little tidbit and provided me with a good laugh following a really lousy morning commute.)


5 comments on “We’re Going to Have Company

  1. Brian Greenberg

    Hmmm…odd. On my machine at home, the audio didn’t download. But here at work, several people turned their heads to see why Harrison Ford had suddenly appeared in my office…
    C’est la vie!
    (I wonder if the missing sound is an IE7 thing. I just upgraded.)

  2. jason

    I got the audio on my home machine but no picture (I couldn’t figure out what the big joke was — a tape loop of H. Ford screaming? Huh?) but it works fine at the office.
    It might have something to do with connection speed. I’m on dial-up at home…

  3. The Girlfriend

    There you go posting stuff that I can’t look at while I’m on my crappy work computer. Remind me to look at it when we’re out to my folks next weekend. 🙂

  4. Brian Greenberg

    OK, clearly there’s something wrong with the site – all of our computers can’t be screwed up at once.
    I also tried downloading the sound file & playing it in Windows Media Player – the download worked OK, but still no sound at home. Something’s up there, me thinks…

  5. jason

    Hmmm… weird. Anne’s not kidding about her work computer’s crappiness — it’s a very old, underpowered system, and she doesn’t have speakers, but for you and I to both be having problems is odd…
    Ah, well, your intentions were good. 🙂