D-List Blogging

I should’ve known better than to publicly state that I was going to do lots of blogging over the holiday weekend, because everytime I do that, I end up getting busy with other things and not writing a word. This weekend was no different — I found time to watch Magnum Force (the best of the four sequels to Clint Eastwood’s iconic Dirty Harry), participate in a buddy’s film-related experiment (I think he’d prefer that I say no more about that subject right now), and do some cleaning and maintenance work around the house, but no blogging to speak of. Obviously. Which is probably why I could do no better than this on the Bloglebrity front:

D-List Blogger

So, let’s see, D-List… that would put me about on par with who? The Coreys? Or one of the “stars” of television’s Big Brother? Oy… which would be worse, to be has-been or a never-was?


2 comments on “D-List Blogging

  1. chenopup

    Well since I haven’t blogged in over a year, I too am a D-list blogger. I’m guessing that unless you’re posting 200 – 300 entries per day, you’ll never be the Paris Hilton or Tom Cruise of blogging. Of course I’d put those people up against our A-list gamers, too much time in front of the ‘puter.

  2. jason

    The ranking is based on data from Technorati.com, which tracks how many other blogs are linking to yours, so it’s not actually tied to how often you post. I suppose it’s theoretically possible to write one entry that everybody in the universe links to, thus making you an A-lister, according to this thing.
    To be honest, I’m surprised I’ve got as many links to me as I apparently do: