Happy Thanksgiving 2006

The old brick-pile, as I like to think of my office building, is growing very, very quiet as, one by one, my co-workers sneak off for an early start on their four-day weekends. I’m about ready to call it a week myself. I hope and intend to do some major blogging this weekend — there are a number of subjects I’ve been wanting to write about and putting off — but for now I’ll just leave you with the following holiday-themed amusement:

Give in to the Dark Side.

If I don’t see you, Happy Gluttony!


2 comments on “Happy Thanksgiving 2006

  1. Brian Greenberg

    Hey, Vader only had two kids! And the turkey shot first!
    That damn George Lucas…
    Happy Turkey Day – looking forward to all that pent up blogging…

  2. jason

    My thoughts exactly, Brian – dang revisionism, anyway!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well…