It’s That Time of Year Again

Just in time for Annual Mass Consumption Day, the maniacs at the Jones Soda Company have unveiled their limited-edition holiday flavors for 2006: Turkey and Gravy (a perennial favorite), Sweet Potato, Dinner Roll, Pea, and the one that’s sure be the big hit of the set, Antacid Flavored Soda. A note on the web page notes that the 2006 Holiday Pack also includes a “medicinal cup for accurate servings.” I imagine that’s especially important for the Antacid soda.

And just in case you have any room left after downing your Thanksgiving meal in soda form, why don’t you pick up the special Dessert Pack, too? It contains a bottle each of Cherry Pie, Banana Cream Pie, Key Lime Pie, Apple Pie, and Blueberry Pie-flavored soda.

Mouth-watering, isn’t it?


4 comments on “It’s That Time of Year Again

  1. The Girlfriend

    This all just sounds so yummy. I think I’ll run right out and pick up a few packs to get me through the end of the year. 🙂

  2. jason

    Sounds like a plan, dear… you might want to grab a few extra bottles of the antacid variety while you’re at it, just in case.

  3. Steven Broschinsky

    My in-laws got a hold of a case last year and me being me I had to try them. The Turkey and Gravy one was actually the best tasting of them last year, followed by the Green Bean Casserole. The rest were gag inducing. Nasty nasty things they be. Arrrgh.

  4. jason

    I imagined nothing less. You have my admiration for possessing the gustatory fortitude to actually down one of these things…