A Big Ol’ Cigar for Jeremy and Karie

Congratulations this morning to my “little brother” Jeremy and his wife Karie, who delivered their first child on Tuesday. It’s a girl, whom they’ve named Savannah. Anybody who knows Jer well probably can guess the inspiration for the name. (If I may be so bold, I’m going to take a tiny bit of credit here, because I’m the one who turned Jer into a Parrothead many years ago).
I don’t know any of the stats like weight, length, etc., because, as I explained to The Girlfriend last night, Jer and I are guys, and guys don’t pay attention to stuff like that as long as the kid’s healthy. Which, happily, she is.

Jeremy was all of 16 or 17 years old when I first met him. I was much older and far more worldly — I was about 20. In a very real way, I watched him grow up, and all kidding aside, he does seem very much like a younger brother to me. To be honest, I was an immature 20, and the two of us shared a lot of growing-up-type experiences — our first jobs (sweeping up popcorn at the multiplex), road trips, all-night bull sessions, dating, and a few other things he probably doesn’t want me to broadcast. And now he’s a dad. It’s going to take me a while to get used to that idea, more than it did for any of my other friends who’ve had children, I think. But I know he’s going to be a good dad. Even if there are a couple of photo albums he’ll want to burn before little Savannah gets a look at them. Not to worry, though, kid; Uncle Jas has copies of everything, and even better, he’s a storyteller


4 comments on “A Big Ol’ Cigar for Jeremy and Karie

  1. The Girlfriend

    Congratulations, Jeremy & Karie. She’s adorable in the pictures. I can’t wait to see her in person. I’m glad you’re all doing well.

  2. chenopup

    Well since I was on the mailing list but somehow didn’t get the email, I’ve heard all of the news. Congrats Jer and welcome to no sleep, unconditional love and a lesser fear of poop and vomit.

  3. Jeremy

    Jas, thanks for this blog. It really means a lot to me. Kinda made my eyes water. But I’ve been a little emotional the past few days anyway. Having a child really makes you look at the world in a different way.
    To “the girl friend.” Thank you also. You’ll be seeing her real soon. She’ll love to meet aunt Anne.
    I emailed you too. in fact I emailed it to two of your email addresses. You change email too often for me to keep up. Send me your current address if you get a chance.
    I’ll be seeing you real soon also. It’s been too long dude. Take care.
    Thanks again to all of you. Love you all tons!!!

  4. jason

    Aw, Jer, you see what happens? You have a kid and you turn into a sap… Just kidding, pal. I’m happy for you, and glad that you were pleased by your notice here on my little corner of the InterWeb. My best to the wife, take care, and we’ll see you soon!