More Hope from Stem Cells

Brian Greenberg is linking to an article that notes yet more promising results from stem-cell research:

Researchers from University College London and London’s Moorfields Eye Hospital used basic cells with the ability to turn into different types of tissue to restore the vision in blind mice.


Until now, there was no way of reversing the damage. Previous attempts at stem cell transplants had failed. …Researchers realised their success when, by shining light into the animals’ eyes, they were able to show that vision had been restored to about a quarter of normal levels.

While my personal interest in stem-cell research is centered around a different malady, I am nevertheless fascinated by how many different ailments these things may help or even cure someday. This research simply must be supported; maybe with the political upheaval this week, the federal government will adopt a more forward-looking approach to this admittedly controversial subject.
