Happy Halloween

Here are a couple more links that might help you get in a mildly creeped-out mood for All Hallow’s Eve:

  • James Lopez is an animator who has worked with Disney and Dreamworks on a number of high-profile features. He also loves the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. We all do, of course — it’s the coolest ride in the park next to Pirates — but James loves it so much that he’s recreated elements of the Mansion in his own home, and what he does to the place for Halloween is out-and-out inspiring. You can see for yourself if you check out his blog.
  • When I was a kid, my parents used to set up stereo speakers in our front-room windows and play a spooky sound effects record (you see, kiddies, we used to have these things called vinyl LPs) to set the mood for trick-or-treaters approaching the house. I remember one especially amusing incident when this little kid rang our doorbell just the sound of a gigantic Oriental gong played. Scared the crap out of him. Ah, good times. Anyhow, Phil Plait over at Bad Astronomy has similar memories from his childhood; he suggests that science fans can accomplish the same effect as those old records by looping the eerie sounds of Saturn. To explain, the ringed planet emits intense radio emissions, which have been recorded by the Cassini spacecraft, sent back to Earth, and processed so we puny humans can actually hear them. I listened to them myself a little earlier, and they are the perfect ambient noise to induce feelings of unsettled foreboding…

