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Monthly Archives: September 2006

More Trek-related Stuff
From Star Wars to Star Trek: that’s been pretty much the back-and-forth pattern of my life for decades now. They’re the twin moons that rise and fall over my personal landscape. Or some labored metaphor like that. Anyway, to business:
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been gathering articles and blog entries about Star Trek‘s 40th anniversary — hey, somebody‘s got to do it, right? — and I now present the links below for your rainy-afternoon geeky reading pleasure.

The Digital Bits on the New Star Wars DVDs
For anyone out there who is thinking of purchasing the new “Limited Edition” Star Wars trilogy set in order to get the original, unaltered theatrical versions of those classic films on DVD — and really, what other reason would you have for buying, yet again, these three films that we all have 20 copies of already — consider the following:

Star Trek: The Lucas-fied Edition
Yesterday I caught my first episode of the new “enhanced” version of the classic Star Trek series, which you’ll recall I already pre-denounced a week or so back, sight unseen.
And what is my official verdict now that I’ve examined the evidence with my own eyes. Eh.

Happy Birthday to Me… and to the Armored Cavalry
Today is my 37th birthday, an event I’ve been anticipating with about the same degree of enthusiasm I usually reserve for defrosting the fridge. Yes, I realize that I just dated myself terribly, since I don’t know anyone who’s actually needed to defrost their fridge in years, but I’m feeling pretty dated today anyhow, so what the hell. (Incidentally, I apologize to any youngsters out there in the InterTubes that don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. Not to worry, it’s just grown-up stuff.)

The Difference Between Boys and Girls
My morning train these days is always crowded with college kids making their way to the U for their daily classes, giving me an unparalleled opportunity to observe the species up close and personal, in a setting somewhat close to its natural environment. I’m especially fascinated by the gender-based differences apparent in these creatures, which are frequently so glaring that an observer might wonder if the males and females are indeed of the same species at all.
This morning, for example, I spotted a charming example of the female college student, fresh-faced and sleekly attired in a dainty white sweater, designer jeans, and stylish shoes. She carried her books in a clean, new-looking messenger bag and devoted her transit time to study, making notes in the margins of her book with a small, neat hand.
Beside her was a male of the species: smaller and greasier in appearance, clad in ridiculously oversized pants and a t-shirt on which the Hustler magazine logo was printed in colors resembling a dollar bill; beneath it was the phrase, “In Lust We Trust.” He carried his books in a paper sack and spent the ride staring straight ahead into some distant space only he could see.
Makes you wonder what the members of this species see in each other, doesn’t it?

Saying Farewell
The past few days have been absolutely gorgeous here in the SLC, like a soft, sweet goodbye kiss from your summertime love before she heads back to school. Monday was especially lovely. It was the sort of day that convinces me that God must own a ragtop — the sky was tall and clear, the details of the Wasatch Mountains stood out in sharp focus, and the southerly breeze puffed gently instead of gusting. As luck would have it, I wasn’t at work on Monday… but I also wasn’t where I wanted to be, driving the valley and canyons with the top down and the tunes cranked. Instead, I spent much of the day under a blankie on the couch, suffering from my annual change-of-the-season head cold. A miserable waste of a nice day, even if I did get to watch seven hours of Northern Exposure. That kind of DVD marathon is a rare luxury these days, and aside from not being able to breathe and the occasional coughing fit, I enjoyed it.
There was one other good thing about being home sick on Monday: it gave me the chance to see my parents’ old truck and camper leave the Bennion Compound for the last time.

Fanboy Vengeance?
I’ve been around plenty of fannish types in my time, and I’ve seen a lot of outlandish behavior perpetrated for the love of a particular media personality or property. I’m generally inclined to excuse such silliness with a shrug and an indulgent smile.
However, if this item is true, it is one of the most asinine, repugnant things I’ve ever heard about:

My Vampire Personality
No time so far this week to write a real blog entry, so let’s compensate with a Silly Internet Quiz™:

Best. Album. Ever.
Here’re some more amusing photos from the e-mail, this time courtesy of the inimitable Chenopup, who wanted to share with me his latest acquisition: